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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 61-72 of 281 items.

Keeping Safe and Working Effectively For Social Workers and Health Professionals

Helps social workers and health professionals recognise potential risks in situations, when to avoid involvement, and how best to manage the risks. 

Listening Skills for Effective Policing

Key listening skills for police officers at all levels explained and exemplified.

Understanding Neuroplasticity and Neurodiversity in the Classroom

A Handbook for SENCos and Teachers

Edited by Anita Devi and Sue Jagger

A research-based text that explores how an understanding of the intersection of neurodiversity and neuroplasticity can inform teaching strategies for pupils with SEND.

A Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being

Targeted strategies for developing a whole school approach to mental health provision, emphasising the importance of creating a whole school culture which promotes a positive attitude towards mental health. Now completely revised to be relevant for a post-pandemic world.


Dilemmas and Decision Making in Policing

A collection of realistic policing scenarios exploring how officers and policing students might work with operational dilemmas, consider conflicting demands, assess options and make professional decisions.

Learning through Movement in the Early Years

A concise and up to date text for students and practitioners that looks specifically at children’s learning through movement and the implications of this understanding for practice in early years settings. 

A Concise Guide to the Level 3 Award in Education and Training

A concise one stop, pick up/put down book providing both pre and in-service trainees with comprehensive coverage of the Level 3 Award in Education and Training, including the Learning and Development units.


Signposting better choices to more adventurous teaching

39 reflections to improve your decision making in the classroom and beyond.

This book follows on from David Gumbrell’s text LIFT!, arguing that when you are feeling more resilient you have the courage and confidence to take more risks. You can also calculate that risk more rationally, thereby making it less risky and more likely to result in success. 

You've Got This

A Student’s Guide to Well-being at University and Beyond

Student life can be overwhelming, and it is not surprising that you might struggle to cope sometimes. This book guides you through your student journey with simple and effective strategies to help you take ownership of your mental health and stay in control.

Dilemmas and Decision Making in Midwifery

A practice-based approach

Through the use of an annotated thinking aloud framework, this collection of fictional clinical scenarios explores how midwives might work with dilemmas, weigh up options and make good decisions. 

Studying for your Master’s Degree in Social Work

An essential book to support students from diverse backgrounds as they embark on a Master’s degree in social work.

Dilemmas and Decision Making in Dementia Care

A series of case studies, inspired by the author’s real-life experience, exploring ethical and practical dilemmas occurring in health and social care practice with people living with dementia in a variety of settings from care homes to intermediate healthcare settings.

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 13-13 of 13 items.

Developing as a Reflective Early Years Professional

A Thematic Approach

 A critical and thematic approach to key issues for early years students and practitioners, with a focus throughout on reflective practice

Showing 17-19 of 19 items.

Effective Problem Solving

A bumper book of powerful problem-solving tools and techniques presented clearly and concisely by a highly respected author.

Effective Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising in Higher Education

A comprehensive text for all academics within higher education (HE) who have a personal tutoring role.

The Complete Guide to Studying for your Social Work Degree

A compendium of social work study skills to help students with their critical thinking, verbal and written communication, academic writing, and referencing skills.