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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 49-60 of 281 items.

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Understanding and Developing Positive Behaviour in Schools

An accessible, carefully researched, quick-read on developing positive behaviour for all early career teachers. 

Life as a clinical psychologist

What is it really like?

An honest perspective of working as a clinical psychologist for anyone considering a career in this fascinating field  

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Workload

Taking Ownership of your Teaching

An accessible, carefully researched, quick-read on managing workload and productivity for all early career teachers. 



Time and task management in teaching

39 reflections to turn task completion into time for you

Following on from LIFT and RISK, David Gumbrell uses his unique approach to help you juggle your workload and tackle your to do list with greater effectiveness. An increase in productivity means you can create more time for you leading to improved well-being and a happier and relaxed teaching experience.

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Using Cognitive Science in the Classroom

An accessible, carefully researched, quick-read outlining the benefits and applications of cognitive science for the early career teacher and their pupils.


Dilemmas and Decision Making in Social Work

A collection of stories to help social workers work with dilemmas, weigh up options and make good decisions.

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Professional Behaviours

How to develop the personal and professional skills and behaviours you need to be the best early career teacher you can be.  

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Teaching Early Years

An essential text specifically aimed at all beginning teachers involved in early years and Reception teaching, to help develop outstanding professional practice.

Dilemmas and Decision Making in Residential Childcare

A collection of (fictitious) stories told from the residential child care worker role to help demonstrate how they work with dilemmas, weigh up options and make decisions in the moment.  

Transforming Performance at Work

The Power of Positive Psychology

Practical ideas from the science of happiness to transform performance at work for individuals, teams and organisations.

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Understanding Your Role in Curriculum Design and Implementation

A key text to help early career teachers understand the important role they can play in school curriculum design and implementation.

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Teaching Primary Foundation Subjects

Another essential guide for early career teachers that provides guidance and support in relation to building subject knowledge and confidence across primary foundation subjects.  

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 9-12 of 12 items.

Management from A to Z and back again

52 Ideas, tools and models for managing people

If you want to develop your ability to manage yourself and the people who work for you, this engaging guide is just what you need.   

Coaching in the Classroom

Bringing out the best in learners

A thought-provoking and engaging guide to coaching in an educational setting, demonstrating how to coach young people in the classroom and how to embed a coaching culture in schools.

Leadership Behaviours for Effective Policing

The Service Speaks

A handbook of policing leadership behavioural skills to inform and improve police knowledge, understanding and effective practice.

Developing as a Reflective Early Years Professional

A Thematic Approach

 A critical and thematic approach to key issues for early years students and practitioners, with a focus throughout on reflective practice

Showing 17-20 of 20 items.

Planning and facilitating group learning

This book makes the case that productive group work is complex and requires teacher expertise. It explores types of group and criteria for grouping pupils, examines the research, and offers guidance for teacher educators on developing relevant expertise in beginning teachers. 

Effective Problem Solving

A bumper book of powerful problem-solving tools and techniques presented clearly and concisely by a highly respected author.

Effective Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising in Higher Education

A comprehensive text for all academics within higher education (HE) who have a personal tutoring role.

The Complete Guide to Studying for your Social Work Degree

A compendium of social work study skills to help students with their critical thinking, verbal and written communication, academic writing, and referencing skills.