Working with Family Carers
This book analyses informal caring across a variety of contexts, describing the nature of these relationships and the conditions under which they take place, and discusses the ways professionals can support and empower carers.
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Primary EAL Provision: Getting it Right in a Week
Proven strategies for getting to grips with EAL provision in primary schools and developing effective pedagogy for busy teachers.
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Teacher Education Partnerships
Policy and Practice
A critical review of initial teacher education partnerships, putting forward a set of principles necessary for the development of effective ITE partnership working.
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Academic Writing and Referencing for your Education Degree
Gives you with a sound knowledge and understanding of what constitutes good academic writing in education through a range of strategies for writing successful essays and reports. Emphasises the importance of clarity and coherence in your writing about education and advises how to improve your academic style, grammar and punctuation, and formatting and presentation.
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Evidence-based Teaching
A Critical Overview for Enquiring Teachers
A concise guide to evidence-based teaching, offering practical advice on how to implement it and evaluate its success.
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British Values: Getting it Right in a Week
An easy and effective way for teachers to understand and embed British Values in their classrooms.
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Academic Writing and Referencing for your Social Work Degree
An essential text for all those undertaking a social work degree within higher education, providing study support and skills development for academic writing and referencing.
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Supporting Behaviour by Building Resilience and Emotional Intelligence
A Guide for Classroom Teachers
For all trainees and teachers, this handy guide provides an understanding of and strategies for building resilience and emotional intelligence to improve classroom behaviour, promote stress-free teaching and so enhance learning.
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Innovations in Practice Learning
As a practice educator, do you sometimes encounter difficulties in supporting individual students through placement? This book is a handy companion of innovative practice to help you through those times.
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Learning Technology
A Handbook for FE Teachers and Assessors
Written specifically for all FE and post-16 teachers, this book will help you to develop your digital capabilities and give you the skills to convert traditional learning and teaching resources into engaging and interactive online material.
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Positive Mental Health: A Whole School Approach
Targeted strategies for developing a whole school approach to mental health provision, emphasising the importance of creating a whole school culture which promotes a positive attitude towards mental health.
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Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Children 4-11 Years
Helps trainees and teachers to identify and support primary-aged children with mental health needs, providing a range of evidence-based tools.
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