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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 49-60 of 281 items.

Getting into Secondary Teaching

Series edited by Andrew J Hobson Edited by Andy Davies and Melanie Norman

Essential reading if you are considering making an application for secondary initial teacher education or preparing to begin your programme. Introduces you to a range of perspectives on teaching and teacher education and guides you through the application process to ensure you choose the training route that’s right for you.

Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System

A Social Work Perspective

The book examines the experiences of people with mental health problems across all stages of the Criminal Justice System. 

Key Concepts in Primary Science

Audit and Subject Knowledge

Essential reading for all primary science trainee and beginning teachers who want to strengthen their science subject knowledge. 

Surviving and Thriving as a Primary NQT

Essential reading for your year as a primary newly qualified teacher (NQT), providing support through advice, reassurance and practical strategies, and encouraging you to critically reflect on your experiences to get the most from your induction period.


A Concise Guide to the Level 3 Award in Education and Training

A concise one stop, pick up/put down book providing both pre and in-service trainees with comprehensive coverage of the Level 3 Award in Education and Training, including the Learning and Development units.

Active Social Work with Children with Disabilities

A comprehensive social worker's guide to working with children with disabilities.

Evidencing CPD

A Guide to Building your Social Work Portfolio

This book offers a simple, constructive and fully referenced guide to planning and reflecting on career development in social work, using a portfolio-based approach.

A Practical Guide to Classroom Research

An accessible and practical guide to qualitative classroom research, suitable for any teacher, beginning or experienced, engaged in practitioner-based classroom enquiry. 

Post Compulsory Teacher Educators: Connecting Professionals

By Jim Crawley Series edited by Ian Menter

A call to action for post-compulsory teacher education professionals, both in the UK and internationally, to unite around key principles and practices. 

Coteaching in Teacher Education

Innovative Pedagogy for Excellence

By Colette Murphy Series edited by Ian Menter

A concise and comprehensive overview of the practice of coteaching, including its benefits and educational and social implications.

The LearningWheel

A model of digital pedagogy

A model of digital pedagogy for educators and learning technologists across the teaching and learning sector


Behaviour Management: Getting it Right in a Week

Workable strategies, tips and advice for busy teachers who want to address low level disruption and improve behaviour in their classroom. 

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 13-13 of 13 items.

Evidencing Teaching Achievements in Higher Education

Explores how to evidence teaching achievements, and the implications of this for the status of HE teaching, as well as individual careers, before suggesting practical and demonstrable ways forward for individuals and institutions. 


Showing 17-19 of 19 items.

Indicators of Teaching Excellence in Higher Education

A Critical Approach

Helps higher education leaders to work with existing national and institutional data to produce more nuanced and relational indicators of teaching excellence and convey understandings of teaching excellence that matter to them.

Effective Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising in Higher Education

A comprehensive text for all academics within higher education (HE) who have a personal tutoring role.

Climate Education and Sustainability in the Primary Classroom

Our World Their Future

An engaging guide for primary school teachers to empower them to integrate climate change and sustainability in their teaching.