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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 133-144 of 274 items.

The Head of Year’s Handbook

Driving Student Well-being and Engagement

Is it possible to achieve a good work-life balance as a head of year while still being effective and offering the best pastoral care for your students that you can? This book shows you how.

Relationships Education for Primary Schools (2020)

A Practical Toolkit for Teachers

Enables and supports teachers to deliver the content of the new statutory guidance for relationships education in primary schools, operational from 2020. 

Relationships and Sex Education for Secondary Schools (2020)

A Practical Toolkit for Teachers

Enables and supports teachers to deliver the content of the new statutory guidance for relationships and sex education in secondary schools, operational from 2020. 


Signposting better choices to more adventurous teaching

39 reflections to improve your decision making in the classroom and beyond.

This book follows on from David Gumbrell’s text LIFT!, arguing that when you are feeling more resilient you have the courage and confidence to take more risks. You can also calculate that risk more rationally, thereby making it less risky and more likely to result in success. 

How to Thrive in Professional Practice

A Self-care Handbook

Through a range of self-care activities, this book will help you to look after yourself so that you are fit to face the demands of your profession. 

Conversations to Change Teaching

An essential text for all academics highlighting the importance of staff having focused conversations about teaching, to build individual and team capacity and to bring about institutional change. 

Co-creating Learning and Teaching

Towards relational pedagogy in higher education

Offers a unique perspective in bringing together the concept of co-creation with relational pedagogy within higher education learning and teaching. Highlights the benefits of classroom-level, relational, dialogic pedagogy and co-creation, with examples of practice and practical guidance.

Engaging in Transnational Education

A clear and concise introduction to transnational higher education, drawing on research, current sector guidance and policy. 

In the Zone

Helping children rise to the challenge of learning

In the Zone argues that challenge is an essential element of true learning, without which there can be no progress. It brings together supportive materials to encourage teachers to reflect on their present practice, take sensible risks with their teaching, and understand the importance of enjoyment and engagement for both teachers and pupils.

Professional Learning Communities and Teacher Enquiry

Series edited by Val Poultney Edited by Alison Fox

Written for teachers, this concise guide takes an evidence-based approach to professional learning communities and teacher enquiry, with practical advice on how to engage with and evaluate various models.

A Critical Guide to the SEND Code of Practice 0-25 Years (2015)

A practical guide to the SEND CoP for trainees, teachers and other health and social care professionals working with children and young people who present with special educational needs or disability. 

Academic Writing and Referencing for your Policing Degree

An essential text for all those undertaking a policing degree within higher education, providing study support and skills development for academic writing and referencing.

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 9-10 of 10 items.

Effective Teaching for Anxious Learners

Seen, Safe and Supported

This book provides teachers with a window into the minds of learners with anxiety, as well as practical strategies and advice that will empower them to adapt their practice to better meet the needs of these learners.  

TEACHER Coaching

The only book you need to understand the who, what, why and how of coaching in schools, with relevance for all teachers whatever their age phase or setting.

Showing 17-17 of 17 items.

Management from A to Z and back again

52 Ideas, tools and models for managing people

If you want to develop your ability to manage yourself and the people who work for you, this engaging guide is just what you need.