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Management from A to Z and back again

Tags: Business, Coaching Mentoring

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Management from A to Z and back again

52 Ideas, tools and models for managing people

AUTHOR : By Bob Thomson

ISBN : 9781915713513

Edition No : 1

Publication : Aug 23, 2024

Extent : 294 pgs

ISBN : 9781915713520

Edition No : 1

Publication : Aug 23, 2024

Extent : 294 pgs

ISBN : 9781915713537

Edition No : 1

Publication : Aug 23, 2024

Extent : 294 pgs


The key themes and ideas in management, from A to Z and back again covered in 52 chapters. Aimed at anyone who is a line manager, project manager or who wants to learn more about management and leadership.

From the author of Coaching from A to Z and Back Again, this is ideal for anyone who wants to develop the management skills - of themselves and their employees. Whether you are a line or project manager in an organisation or a student who wants to learn more about management and leadership, this book is perfect for you.

Consisting of 52 short, accessible chapters from A to Z and back again, it combines discussion of key ideas, practical management tools and theoretical models. The topics discussed draw on the human and relationship aspects of management and cover the basics of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, leadership and change. Written in a clear and engaging format, this book provides you with a firm foundation in the theory and practice of management and encourages the development of self-management and leadership skills.   





Chapter 1: A Authenticity 

Chapter 2: B Eric Berne and some ideas from Transactional Analysis  

Chapter 3: C Coaching and mentoring   

Chapter 4: D Delegation and micromanagement   

Chapter 5: E Emotional intelligence 

Chapter 6: F Fierce conversations 

Chapter 7: G Growing people 

Chapter 8: H Ron Heifetz and Adaptive Leadership  

Chapter 9: I Influencing and power  

Chapter 10: J Carl Jung and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator  

Chapter 11: K John Kotter – Leadership is different from management  

Chapter 12: L Leading with love 

Chapter 13: M Managing meetings   

Chapter 14: N Saying No – managing your time 

Chapter 15: O Images of organisation 

Chapter 16: P Performance and development reviews 

Chapter 17: Q Questioning and playing back  

Chapter 18: R Management as a relationship 

Chapter 19: S Servant leadership 

Chapter 20: T Managing a team  

Chapter 21: U UN Sustainable Development Goals 

Chapter 22: V Virtue ethics 

Chapter 23: W Work-life balance 

Chapter 24: X Theory X and theory Y 

Chapter 25: Y Getting to Yes 

Chapter 26: Z Zoom and hybrid working 





Chapter 27: Z Zookeeping 

Chapter 28: Y Your purpose and values 

Chapter 29: X Generation X and Generation Y  

Chapter 30: W Well-being in the workplace  

Chapter 31: V Vision and strategy 

Chapter 32: U Understanding context 

Chapter 33: T Talent management 

Chapter 34: S Shadow of the leader 

Chapter 35: R Romance of leadership and followership  

Chapter 36: Q Quiet leadership 

Chapter 37: P Positive psychology 

Chapter 38: O Organisational culture 

Chapter 39: N National culture 

Chapter 40: M Managing change 

Chapter 41: L Listening 

Chapter 42: K Creating institutional knowledge  

Chapter 43: J John Adair’s Action Centred Leadership model  

Chapter 44: I The inner game 

Chapter 45: H Humility 

Chapter 46: G Games people play 

Chapter 47: F Giving, generating and gathering feedback 

Chapter 48: E Handling emails 

Chapter 49: D Decision making 

Chapter 50: C Confidence 

Chapter 51: B Business schools 

Chapter 52: A Assertiveness 




Bob Thomson is a Professor at Warwick Business School.  He has many years of experience working in leadership and management development in the energy industry and in higher education.  He is accredited as a coach and supervisor by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, and is a qualified and experienced mediator.  He has written eight previous books on coaching, managing people, and learning from experience. He is the editor of Critical Publishing’s Business in Mind series of books on mental well-being in the workplace.

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