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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 121-132 of 281 items.

Public Health Explored

50 Stories to Change the World

Understanding public health has never been more important

It is in the headlines as never before. Aimed at all interested individuals but particularly students and professionals in nursing, medicine, social work and public health, this book encourages critical debate and reflection for a deep understanding of the complexities of public health. 


Time and task management in teaching

39 reflections to turn task completion into time for you

Following on from LIFT and RISK, David Gumbrell uses his unique approach to help you juggle your workload and tackle your to do list with greater effectiveness. An increase in productivity means you can create more time for you leading to improved well-being and a happier and relaxed teaching experience.

How Do I Answer That?

A Secondary School Teacher's Guide to Answering RSE Questions


Based on years of experience, this handy, essential text provides clear answers to the questions young people ask about relationships and sex so that you can increase your knowledge, gain confidence and ensure they receive the most accurate and up to date information.

Tackling Anxiety in Primary Mathematics Teachers

By Karen Wicks Edited by Ian Menter

Provides teacher educators with an understanding of the issues around mathematics anxiety and a framework of teaching strategies to support trainees and teachers in primary settings in developing confidence in learning and teaching mathematics.

If you can’t reach them you can’t teach them

Building effective learning relationships

A book about putting learning relationships at the heart of your teaching; then everything else will fall into place including positive behaviour management, stress reduction, student engagement and pupil progress. 

Self-Neglect: Learning from Life

A practice-based perspective on working with people who self-neglect.

Teaching and Learning in International Schools

Lessons from Primary Practice

Covers the full range of topics and teaching strategies to support all practitioners in an international school context.

Becoming a teacher education researcher

Edited by Diane Mayer and Ian Menter

Stories of success from a range of contexts and settings that demonstrate how to develop as a successful teacher education researcher.

All Change!

Best practice for educational transitions

This text examines transitions within education – between year groups, key stages and schools – and how they can be managed and supported for the maximum benefit of the pupil.

An Ambitious Primary School Curriculum

Comprehensive guidance to support those involved in primary education in developing the curriculum to meet the requirements of the new Ofsted (2019) framework. 

How to Thrive at Work

Mindfulness, Motivation and Productivity

Tried and tested strategies to promote mindfulness, motivation and productivity at work, this book helps you face the demands of your job whatever your working environment and whatever stage you are at in your career. 

Social Work and Covid-19

Lessons for Education and Practice

Edited by Denise Turner

This book captures the unique moment in time created by the Covid 19 pandemic and uses this as a lens to explore contemporary issues for social work education and practice.  

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 9-12 of 12 items.

Creating a Trauma-informed Classroom

Shows teachers how to build trust and improve learning outcomes for those children and young people affected by trauma.

The Role of the Education Adviser

An in-depth look at the key roles and responsibilities of the education adviser.

Leadership Behaviours for Effective Policing

The Service Speaks

A handbook of policing leadership behavioural skills to inform and improve police knowledge, understanding and effective practice.

A Guide to Neonatal Care

Handbook For Health Professionals

A practical guide for the nursing care of neonates within hospital and home settings for the first year of life.

Showing 17-20 of 20 items.

Values, Ethics and Rights for Health and Social Care

Explains and promotes the fundamentals of values, ethics and rights for anyone involved in social work or health and social care. 

Advising on School Improvement

Theoretical and practical exemplification of the education adviser's skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to school improvement.

Becoming a Social Work Manager

For new or aspiring managers in social work and social care, examining the practical and emotional transitions involved in taking on a management role, how to look after yourself and others, and how to develop a strong professional identity.

Evidencing Teaching Achievements in Higher Education

Explores how to evidence teaching achievements, and the implications of this for the status of HE teaching, as well as individual careers, before suggesting practical and demonstrable ways forward for individuals and institutions.