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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 97-108 of 281 items.

Equality and Diversity in Further Education

Critical understanding and practical guidance for existing lecturers and trainee teachers within FE, explaining how they can overcome the challenges of managing diversity and promoting equality to establish a positive learning environment to meet the needs of all learners.

Equitable Education

What everyone working in education should know about closing the attainment gap for all pupils

An essential guide for trainees and teachers providing an in-depth understanding of the complex issues related to the attainment of key groups of disadvantaged pupils, and practical strategies for addressing these gaps.


Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Assessment

Edited by Emma Hollis By Alys Finch

An accessible, carefully researched, quick-read on assessment for early career teachers, linked to the new ECF. 


Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Mental Well-being and Self-care

An accessible, carefully researched, quick-read on mental well-being and self-care for all early career teachers. 


Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Professional Behaviours

How to develop the personal and professional skills and behaviours you need to be the best early career teacher you can be.  

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Special Educational Needs and Disability

By Anita Devi Edited by Emma Hollis

An accessible, carefully researched, quick-read on special educational needs and disability for all early career teachers. 


Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Teaching Early Years

An essential text specifically aimed at all beginning teachers involved in early years and Reception teaching, to help develop outstanding professional practice.

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Teaching Primary Foundation Subjects

Another essential guide for early career teachers that provides guidance and support in relation to building subject knowledge and confidence across primary foundation subjects.  

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Understanding and Developing Positive Behaviour in Schools

An accessible, carefully researched, quick-read on developing positive behaviour for all early career teachers. 

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Understanding Your Role in Curriculum Design and Implementation

A key text to help early career teachers understand the important role they can play in school curriculum design and implementation.

Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Using Cognitive Science in the Classroom

An accessible, carefully researched, quick-read outlining the benefits and applications of cognitive science for the early career teacher and their pupils.


Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Workload

Taking Ownership of your Teaching

An accessible, carefully researched, quick-read on managing workload and productivity for all early career teachers. 


New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 9-12 of 12 items.

A Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being

Targeted strategies for developing a whole school approach to mental health provision, emphasising the importance of creating a whole school culture which promotes a positive attitude towards mental health. Now completely revised to be relevant for a post-pandemic world.


Effective Mentoring in Initial Teacher Education

An evidence-informed guide to effective mentoring in initial teacher education.

The Role of the Education Adviser

An in-depth look at the key roles and responsibilities of the education adviser.

Managing Stress

A theoretically informed practical guide to understanding and tackling stress, presented by a well-respected author who explains complex ideas clearly and accessibly without oversimplifying them.

Showing 17-20 of 20 items.

Values, Ethics and Rights for Health and Social Care

Explains and promotes the fundamentals of values, ethics and rights for anyone involved in social work or health and social care. 

Advising on School Improvement

Theoretical and practical exemplification of the education adviser's skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to school improvement.

Becoming a Social Work Manager

For new or aspiring managers in social work and social care, examining the practical and emotional transitions involved in taking on a management role, how to look after yourself and others, and how to develop a strong professional identity.

Evidencing Teaching Achievements in Higher Education

Explores how to evidence teaching achievements, and the implications of this for the status of HE teaching, as well as individual careers, before suggesting practical and demonstrable ways forward for individuals and institutions.