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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 61-72 of 274 items.

Social Work and Covid-19

Lessons for Education and Practice

Edited by Denise Turner

This book captures the unique moment in time created by the Covid 19 pandemic and uses this as a lens to explore contemporary issues for social work education and practice.  

Social Media in Social Work Education

Edited by Joanne Westwood

An up-to-date guide to the effective use of social media in social work education

Social Media and Mental Health in Schools

Supports both primary and secondary trainees and teachers with understanding the links between social media use and children and young people’s mental health. 

Social Exclusion in the UK

The lived experience

Edited by Mel Hughes

This book places the expertise of people with lived experiences front and centre of the narrative on social exclusion, marginalisation and social stigma in the UK.

Shifting Sands

Contemporary issues in primary schools

A practical guide to a range of key contemporary issues in primary schools, with summaries of legislation and policy, and workable strategies to embed them in the classroom.

Self-worth in children and young people

Critical and practical considerations

This exciting book challenges the dominant approaches to children and young people’s mental health, and provides straightforward practical strategies that can be used to address emotional upset, loss, and aid recovery.

Self-Neglect: Learning from Life

A practice-based perspective on working with people who self-neglect.


A Practical Approach to Risks and Strengths Assessment

A practical intervention framework and guide in Risks & Strengths Assessment in self-neglect for support staff who are working with adults who self-neglect or may be at risk of self-neglecting in the future.

Safeguarding Children and Witchcraft Labelling in Social Work

An unique resource for all professionals who wish to understand witchcraft branding as a contemporary form of child abuse. 

Safeguarding Adults Together under the Care Act 2014

A multi-agency practice guide

An essential adult safeguarding practice multi-agency framework under the Care Act 2014.

The Role of the Education Adviser

An in-depth look at the key roles and responsibilities of the education adviser.


Signposting better choices to more adventurous teaching

39 reflections to improve your decision making in the classroom and beyond.

This book follows on from David Gumbrell’s text LIFT!, arguing that when you are feeling more resilient you have the courage and confidence to take more risks. You can also calculate that risk more rationally, thereby making it less risky and more likely to result in success. 

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 9-10 of 10 items.

Coaching in the Classroom

Bringing out the best in learners

A thought-provoking and engaging guide to coaching in an educational setting, demonstrating how to coach young people in the classroom and how to embed a coaching culture in schools.

The Best Outcomes for Young People

Lessons from a PRU Headteacher

Practical ways for Pupil Referral Units, APs and mainstream schools to work in partnership to secure the best outcomes for students. 

Showing 17-17 of 17 items.

Advising on School Improvement

Theoretical and practical exemplification of the education adviser's skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to school improvement.