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Free Resources

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We are always looking for ways to support you as you develop as a professional so we are pleased to be able to provide a growing range of free resources including sample material, checklists, sample forms and glossaries. Select below the area that you are interested in:

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Showing 5-8 of 13 items.

Management from A to Z and back again

52 Ideas, tools and models for managing people

If you want to develop your ability to manage yourself and the people who work for you, this engaging guide is just what you need.   

Managing Stress

A theoretically informed practical guide to understanding and tackling stress, presented by a well-respected author who explains complex ideas clearly and accessibly without oversimplifying them.

Learning and Teaching Practical Skills

As seen on TV

This innovative book uses examples from popular TV shows to help teachers support the development of students' practical skills. 

The Best Outcomes for Young People

Lessons from a PRU Headteacher

Practical ways for Pupil Referral Units, APs and mainstream schools to work in partnership to secure the best outcomes for students. 

Showing 5-8 of 19 items.

Anti-Racist Nursing and Midwifery

A Guide for Students, Practitioners and Educators

Through detailed personal accounts, this book deepens understanding, advocates for change, and provides a call for action against racism within the healthcare sector.

Supporting Policing Students

A handbook for lecturers, tutors, coaches and mentors

guide to help police tutors and trainers support and develop their students in the most effective way possible. 

The Family Court in Practice

A safeguarding guide for all practitioners working with children

A practical guide to understanding safeguarding good practice and the principles, practice and proceedings of the family court, placing the child at the centre of key decision making. 

Universal Design for Learning

A Critical Approach

Edited by Nicola Martin, Mike Wray and Joanna Krupa Series edited by Joy Jarvis and Karen Mpamhanga

The what, why, and how of Universal Design for Learning in higher education post-2020.