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A Quick Guide to Meeting the Teachers' Standards Part 1

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A Quick Guide to Meeting the Teachers' Standards Part 1

AUTHOR : By Mike Lansdown

ISBN : 9781912508525

Edition No : 1

Publication : Nov 1, 2018

Extent : 88 pgs


This is a quick and handy guide to evidencing and meeting Part 1 of the Teachers’ Standards for trainee teachers. It looks at every strand of Part 1 of the Standards, encourages critical reflection throughout and puts pupil learning and progress at the heart of things while detailing how you can best evidence this. It includes:

  • a general introduction to the Standards and how to meet them;
  • a clear explanation of each strand of the Standards in easy to follow English;
  • guidance on the best evidence to select and how to present it;
  • advice on some common pitfalls;
  • space to record your evidence as you go along;
  • a ten-point checklist summarising all the key points in the guide.

All trainee teachers have to meet the Teachers’ Standards in order to gain qualified teacher status, yet many are unsure what this entails. A quick guide to Meeting the Teachers’ Standards: Part 1 is very helpful in this respect. Using key words from the Standards, this book helps trainees to understand exactly what they need to do and the evidence that will demonstrate this. The guide is clear, concise and contains useful pointers on things to do and to avoid. It is a most useful resource for anyone embarking on teacher training.
Neil Brading, Outset Teachers' Standards Ltd




TS 1 Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils

TS 2 Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

TS 3 Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge

TS 4 Plan and teach well-structured lessons

TS 5 Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

TS 6 Make accurate and productive use of assessment

TS 7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment

TS 8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

 Top ten checklist


Mike Lansdown is a PGCE tutor and MA in education supervisor with the University of Buckingham’s education eepartment, a position he has held since retiring from his second headship in 2015. Prior to completing 18 years as a headteacher, he worked in London teaching in both the primary and secondary sectors. Before this, he taught English as a foreign language (EFL) in London and in Sweden, but started life as a teacher of geography, geology and PE.

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Your Reviews on this book

All trainee teachers have to meet the Teachers’ Standards in order to gain qualified teacher status, yet many are unsure what this entails. A quick guide to Meeting the Teachers’ Standards: Part 1 is very helpful in this respect. Using key words from the Standards, this book helps trainees to understand exactly what they need to do and the evidence that will demonstrate this. The guide is clear, concise and contains useful pointers on things to do and to avoid. It is a most useful resource for anyone embarking on teacher training.

Neil Brading, Outset Teacher Education Ltd
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