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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 97-108 of 281 items.

International Perspectives on Early Years Workforce Development

Edited by Verity Campbell-Barr and Janet Georgeson Series edited by Chelle Davison

An examination of the current structure of the early childhood education and care workforce in different countries, each of which represents a distinct philosophical tradition. 

Supporting Primary Teaching and Learning

A key text for all those studying on Foundation Degrees in supporting primary and early years teaching and learning, and particularly those working at levels 4 and 5

Your Primary School-based Experience

A Guide to Outstanding Placements

An essential companion for all primary trainee teachers, whatever their training route,focusing on the school-based experience. It provides both practical strategies and opportunities for reflection, so trainees are challenged to critically evaluate their learning in order to improve attainment.

Technology-enhanced Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage

An up to date and informed exploration of technology-enhanced learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, suitable for all trainee and in-service teachers.

Making sense of theory and its application to social work practice

How to understand social work theory and apply it to social work practice


A Practical Approach to Risks and Strengths Assessment

A practical intervention framework and guide in Risks & Strengths Assessment in self-neglect for support staff who are working with adults who self-neglect or may be at risk of self-neglecting in the future.

Innovations in Practice Learning

Edited by Sue Taplin

As a practice educator, do you sometimes encounter difficulties in supporting individual students through placement? This book is a handy companion of innovative practice to help you through those times.

Supporting Behaviour by Building Resilience and Emotional Intelligence

A Guide for Classroom Teachers

For all trainees and teachers, this handy guide provides an understanding of and strategies for building resilience and emotional intelligence to improve classroom behaviour, promote stress-free teaching and so enhance learning.

The New Apprenticeships

Facilitating Learning, Mentoring, Coaching and Assessing

A key text for all those involved in supporting the new apprentices, as mentors, coaches, assessors and learning facilitators.

Supporting Troubled Young People

A practical guide to helping with mental health problems

An accessible guide for those wanting to help and support children and young people with, or at risk of developing mental health problems.

Safeguarding Adults Together under the Care Act 2014

A multi-agency practice guide

An essential adult safeguarding practice multi-agency framework under the Care Act 2014.

Co-creating Learning and Teaching

Towards relational pedagogy in higher education

Offers a unique perspective in bringing together the concept of co-creation with relational pedagogy within higher education learning and teaching. Highlights the benefits of classroom-level, relational, dialogic pedagogy and co-creation, with examples of practice and practical guidance.

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 9-12 of 12 items.

Creating a Trauma-informed Classroom

Shows teachers how to build trust and improve learning outcomes for those children and young people affected by trauma.

The Role of the Education Adviser

An in-depth look at the key roles and responsibilities of the education adviser.

Managing Stress

A theoretically informed practical guide to understanding and tackling stress, presented by a well-respected author who explains complex ideas clearly and accessibly without oversimplifying them.

A Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being

Targeted strategies for developing a whole school approach to mental health provision, emphasising the importance of creating a whole school culture which promotes a positive attitude towards mental health. Now completely revised to be relevant for a post-pandemic world.


Showing 17-20 of 20 items.

Crisis Intervention

A theoretically informed practical guide to using crisis theory to bring about positive change in empowering ways.  

Supporting Policing Students

A handbook for lecturers, tutors, coaches and mentors

guide to help police tutors and trainers support and develop their students in the most effective way possible. 

Climate Education and Sustainability in the Primary Classroom

Our World Their Future

An engaging guide for primary school teachers to empower them to integrate climate change and sustainability in their teaching. 

Understanding Neuroplasticity and Neurodiversity in the Classroom

A Handbook for SENCos and Teachers

Edited by Anita Devi and Sue Jagger

A research-based text that explores how an understanding of the intersection of neurodiversity and neuroplasticity can inform teaching strategies for pupils with SEND.