Studying for your Policing Degree
Essential reading for all those undertaking a policing or other law enforcement professional degree within higher education, providing study support, skills and strategies to ensure success.
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Studying for your Nursing Degree
Essential for all those undertaking a nursing degree within higher education, providing study support, skills and strategies for success.
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Studying for your Master’s Degree in Social Work
An essential book to support students from diverse backgrounds as they embark on a Master’s degree in social work.
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Studying for your Education Degree
Provides you with a sound knowledge and understanding of what to expect, and what will be expected of you as a university student. Also covers teaching and assessment methods within education and hints on how to manage your education / teaching studies in an effective way and make the most of the resources available to you.
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Studying for Your Early Years Degree
Skills and knowledge for becoming an effective early years practitioner
A one stop shop of accessible and relevant information for all early years students to help you succeed in your degree, increase your employability skills and develop as ethical and critically reflective practitioners.
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A Student's Guide to Placements in Health and Social Care Settings
From Theory to Practice
This is an accessible guide to placements provides a framework for students across the caring professions to understand the theory behind successful practice and the critical skills needed to apply it
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Strength-based Practice with Children and Families
Focuses on using a strength-based approach when working with children and families; based on the belief that there are always strengths in the most challenging of situations.
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Staying Mentally Healthy During Your Teaching Career
Comprehensive guidance and workable, evidence-informed strategies to support the mental well-being of all those teaching in schools and colleges.
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Starting Social Work
Reflections of a Newly Qualified Social Worker
A Newly Qualified Social Worker’s experience, reflections and gentle advice on the training process and early years of a Social Work career.
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Time and task management in teaching
39 reflections to turn task completion into time for you
Following on from LIFT and RISK, David Gumbrell uses his unique approach to help you juggle your workload and tackle your to do list with greater effectiveness. An increase in productivity means you can create more time for you leading to improved well-being and a happier and relaxed teaching experience.
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The Social Worker's Guide to the Care Act 2014
New edition of best-selling book which helps social workers gain a comprehensive understanding of how to achieve best practice in applying the Care Act 2014.
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Social Work Law
Applying the Law in Practice
An easy to navigate introduction to the law relevant to social work and how it can be applied in practice. Contemporary, creative and student-focused, this is a must-have textbook for qualifying undergraduates, Social Work degree apprentices, and newly qualified social workers.
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