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The Social Worker's Guide to the Care Act 2014
AUTHOR : By Pete Feldon
ISBN : 9781913453053
Edition No : 2
Publication : Jun 6, 2023
Extent : 328 pgs
ISBN : 9781913453077
Edition No : 2
Publication : Jun 6, 2023
Extent : 328 pgs
ISBN : 9781913453060
Edition No : 2
Publication : Jun 6, 2023
Extent : 328 pgs
ISBN : 9781913453084
Edition No : 2
Publication : Jun 6, 2023
Extent : 328 pgs
This best-selling book helps social workers gain a comprehensive understanding of how to achieve best practice in applying the Care Act 2014.
The Care Act 2014 is a pivotal piece of legislation for adults with social care needs. It is particularly important for social workers, as it sets out the legislative context for the core social work processes that apply to all adults.
The Social Worker’s Guide to the Care Act 2014 is a thoughtfully crafted resource that places social workers at the centre of the legal landscape. It takes a distinctive approach by honing in on what truly matters to social workers: assessing needs and formulating care and support plans that align with eligible requirements.
Through a blend of key concepts, case examples, and critical evaluation, the book enhances legal literacy in a way that empowers social workers. It equips social workers with a clear understanding of the legal framework within which they operate, enabling them to make informed professional judgements and apply their expertise effectively.
This eagerly awaited second edition reflects extensive revisions based on valuable insights derived from
- judicial reviews,
- Ombudsman decisions, and
- in-depth research.
Drawing from the author's extensive experience in providing training on the Care Act, the revised edition introduces two new sections that delve into the realms of professional judgement and defensible decisions—essential areas of focus for social workers. Additionally, it incorporates the amendments made to the Care Act 2014 by the Health and Care Act 2022.
This substantially revised second edition of The Social Worker's Guide to the Care Act 2014 will be your invaluable companion in navigating the complexities of social work and will be a source of knowledge, empowerment, and guidance.
- First contact
- Assessment of needs
- Eligibility determination
- The duty and power to meet needs
- Charging and financial assessment
- Care and support planning
- Review
- Safeguarding enquiries
- Safeguarding – types of abuse, SABs
- Substantially difficulty with involvement
- Disputes
- Working with the NHS and housing
- Other modification and additions
- Professional judgement
Pete Feldon is a freelance Care Act consultant and trainer. He has a background of working in many sectors of social care as a social worker, trainer, manager and policy developer. He was a member of the team that developed learning materials for the Care Act for Skills for Care. He is currently providing Care Act training for local authorities and for universities. As a member of the BASW Adults Group he has been involved in writing guidance on the impact of constrained resources on the application of the Care Act, and also advising other organisations on social work and the Care Act. He has written articles published in PSW (Professional Social Work), Community Care and also The A-Z of the Care Act 2014 for Community Care Inform.
Publication Overview
Your Reviews on this book
“Every social worker in England who works with adults needs a good knowledge of the Care Act. Whether newly qualified, several years into practice or an old hand this is the book that provides that knowledge. It is one of the key texts for practitioners I use again and again”.
…” I teach social work law on a social work programme. The Care Act 2014 is a large and complex piece of legislation which can confuse students when it is first introduced to them. It is, however, the most significant act relating to adult social care to emerge in recent years and, therefore, crucial that social work students understand it. Pete Feldon’s meticulous eye and attention to detail will be extremely useful for students and practitioners. The book brings together definitions (where they exist), case law and guidance in an accessible and helpful way. The work will also assist me with my own research about how far carers are aware of their rights under the Care Act 2014.
I recommend this book to social work students and practitioners for its detailed consideration of evidence and legal context and for its emphasis on a social worker’s ‘professional judgement’, particularly during times where the skills, values and knowledge of qualified social workers are in danger of being overlooked."