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Showing 13-13 of 13 items.
The Best Outcomes for Young People
Lessons from a PRU Headteacher
Practical ways for Pupil Referral Units, APs and mainstream schools to work in partnership to secure the best outcomes for students.
Showing 17-19 of 19 items.
Anti-Racist Nursing and Midwifery
A Guide for Students, Practitioners and Educators
Through detailed personal accounts, this book deepens understanding, advocates for change, and provides a call for action against racism within the healthcare sector.
Advising on School Improvement
Theoretical and practical exemplification of the education adviser's skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to school improvement.
Advising on Governance in Education
Exemplification of the education advisers’ skills, knowledge and approaches and how these can be applied to assist leaders and governors in improving schools, colleges, educational performance and pupil outcomes.