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Showing 5-8 of 10 items.

The Role of the Education Adviser

An in-depth look at the key roles and responsibilities of the education adviser.

Managing Stress

A theoretically informed practical guide to understanding and tackling stress, presented by a well-respected author who explains complex ideas clearly and accessibly without oversimplifying them.

Learning and Teaching Practical Skills

As seen on TV

This innovative book uses examples from popular TV shows to help teachers support the development of students' practical skills. 

A Guide to Neonatal Care

Handbook For Health Professionals

A practical guide for the nursing care of neonates within hospital and home settings for the first year of life.

Showing 5-8 of 17 items.

Advising on School Improvement

Theoretical and practical exemplification of the education adviser's skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to school improvement.

University and You

Strengthening your skills and developing your potential

A complete guide to developing the skills, behaviours, and mindset necessary for success at university and beyond.

Becoming a Social Work Manager

For new or aspiring managers in social work and social care, examining the practical and emotional transitions involved in taking on a management role, how to look after yourself and others, and how to develop a strong professional identity.

Safeguarding Children and Witchcraft Labelling in Social Work

An unique resource for all professionals who wish to understand witchcraft branding as a contemporary form of child abuse.