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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 13-24 of 281 items.

Starting Social Work

Reflections of a Newly Qualified Social Worker

A Newly Qualified Social Worker’s experience, reflections and gentle advice on the training process and early years of a Social Work career.

Understanding Substance Use

Policy and Practice

The book will enable social work professionals to develop a critical understanding of substance use policy, theory and practice which they can use in practice.

The Professional Teacher in Further Education

An accessible and up to date critical analysis of professionalism for student teachers and practitioners within the Further Education (FE) sector.

Getting into Primary Teaching

Edited by David Owen and Cathy Burnett Series edited by Andrew J Hobson

Essential reading if you are considering making an application for primary initial teacher education or preparing to begin your programme.

Understanding and Enriching Problem Solving in Primary Mathematics

Essential reading for all those teaching or training to teach primary mathematics, tackling the knowledge and skills required to successfully teach the tricky area of problem solving.

Equality and Diversity in Further Education

Critical understanding and practical guidance for existing lecturers and trainee teachers within FE, explaining how they can overcome the challenges of managing diversity and promoting equality to establish a positive learning environment to meet the needs of all learners.

Practical Ideas for Teaching Primary Science

Aimed at trainees and teachers, this up to date text addresses primary science teaching in light of the new primary National Curriculum and the latest Teachers’ Standards, providing creative, inspiring and practical ideas and approaches for teaching the full range of science topics. 

The Critical Years

Early Years Development from Conception to 5

A book that brings up to date theory and understanding of child development in the early years into the workplace.


Inclusion in Further Education

A critical understanding of the complex concept of inclusion and its implementation in a range of different contextual settings for all those teaching or training to teach within the Further Education sector.

Teaching and Supporting Adult Learners

This publication enables those teaching adult learners to gain an understanding of the difficulties that students may experience while developing their own professional practice in order to create effective, focused and inclusive teaching strategies for this group.

Social Media in Social Work Education

Edited by Joanne Westwood

An up-to-date guide to the effective use of social media in social work education

Developing Creative and Critical Educational Practitioners

By Victoria Door Series edited by Ian Menter

Encourages teacher educators to promote flexible and sustainable practice in their students, enabling them to flourish within an ever-changing educational environment. 

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 5-8 of 13 items.

Coaching in the Classroom

Bringing out the best in learners

A thought-provoking and engaging guide to coaching in an educational setting, demonstrating how to coach young people in the classroom and how to embed a coaching culture in schools.

Creating a Trauma-informed Classroom

Shows teachers how to build trust and improve learning outcomes for those children and young people affected by trauma.

Learning and Teaching Practical Skills

As seen on TV

This innovative book uses examples from popular TV shows to help teachers support the development of students' practical skills. 

Managing Stress

A theoretically informed practical guide to understanding and tackling stress, presented by a well-respected author who explains complex ideas clearly and accessibly without oversimplifying them.

Showing 5-8 of 19 items.

Understanding Neuroplasticity and Neurodiversity in the Classroom

A Handbook for SENCos and Teachers

Edited by Anita Devi and Sue Jagger

A research-based text that explores how an understanding of the intersection of neurodiversity and neuroplasticity can inform teaching strategies for pupils with SEND.

Safeguarding Children and Witchcraft Labelling in Social Work

An unique resource for all professionals who wish to understand witchcraft branding as a contemporary form of child abuse. 

A Guide to the Diploma in Teaching and Related Qualifications

Level 5 and beyond

A one-stop shop for successfully achieving the new Diploma in Teaching and related qualifications.

Planning and facilitating group learning

This book makes the case that productive group work is complex and requires teacher expertise. It explores types of group and criteria for grouping pupils, examines the research, and offers guidance for teacher educators on developing relevant expertise in beginning teachers.