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Teacher Educators

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Explore our concise, critical and well-researched material on current and key aspects of professional learning written specifically for teachers and teacher educators.  

Also discover our Critical Guides for Teacher Educator Series that connects current themes and developments in teacher education in the UK and beyond.  

Showing 13-24 of 38 items.

Developing Creative and Critical Educational Practitioners

By Victoria Door Series edited by Ian Menter

Encourages teacher educators to promote flexible and sustainable practice in their students, enabling them to flourish within an ever-changing educational environment. 

Developing outstanding practice in school-based teacher education

Edited by Kim Jones and Elizabeth White Series edited by Ian Menter

A concise and critical text designed to help the growing group of school-based teacher educators and those based in higher education develop excellent professional practice across their institutions.

Effective Mentoring in Initial Teacher Education

An evidence-informed guide to effective mentoring in initial teacher education.

Evidence-based Teaching

A Critical Overview for Enquiring Teachers

A concise guide to evidence-based teaching, offering practical advice on how to implement it and evaluate its success.

Evidence-based teaching in primary education

Edited by Val Poultney Series edited by Ian Menter

A key text for all teacher educators in schools and universities focusing on how universities and primary schools can work together to lead, manage and sustain a culture of teacher inquiry. 

How do expert primary classteachers really work?

A critical guide for teachers, headteachers and teacher educators

An essential text for anyone interested in teaching primary school children, including teacher educators, classteachers and headteachers, critically examining what constitutes outstanding or good teaching of children in the primary years .

The LearningWheel

A model of digital pedagogy

A model of digital pedagogy for educators and learning technologists across the teaching and learning sector


Lesson Planning: Getting it Right in a Week

Time-saving and effective lesson planning guide for all busy teachers. 

Nurturing Professional Judgement

By Ben Knight Edited by Ian Menter

A critical guide for teacher educators and early career mentors in supporting the development of professional judgement and intuitive practice. 

Phonics: Getting it Right in a Week

By Angela Gill and David Waugh Series edited by Susan Wallace

Tried and tested ideas for understanding phonics and developing effective pedagogy for busy teachers

Planning and facilitating group learning

This book makes the case that productive group work is complex and requires teacher expertise. It explores types of group and criteria for grouping pupils, examines the research, and offers guidance for teacher educators on developing relevant expertise in beginning teachers. 

Post Compulsory Teacher Educators: Connecting Professionals

By Jim Crawley Series edited by Ian Menter

A call to action for post-compulsory teacher education professionals, both in the UK and internationally, to unite around key principles and practices. 

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Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Effective Mentoring in Initial Teacher Education

An evidence-informed guide to effective mentoring in initial teacher education.

Planning and facilitating group learning

This book makes the case that productive group work is complex and requires teacher expertise. It explores types of group and criteria for grouping pupils, examines the research, and offers guidance for teacher educators on developing relevant expertise in beginning teachers.