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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 73-84 of 274 items.

Working with Family Carers

By Valerie Gant Series edited by Steve J Hothersall

This book analyses informal caring across a variety of contexts, describing the nature of these relationships and the conditions under which they take place, and discusses the ways professionals can support and empower carers.

Reflective Primary Teaching

Meeting the Teachers’ Standards throughout your professional career

Fully revised and updated, this text helps trainees and teachers develop their effectiveness by reflecting on, analysing and improving their practice in the light of a deeper understanding of the professional Teachers' Standards. 

Professional Dialogues in the Early Years

Rediscovering early years pedagogy and principles

This book provides early years teacher educators with critical guidance to explore the enduring philosophies and principles of early years’ pedagogy and to creatively interpret and communicate these to those they are training to be teachers and professionals.

Tackling Anxiety in Primary Mathematics Teachers

By Karen Wicks Edited by Ian Menter

Provides teacher educators with an understanding of the issues around mathematics anxiety and a framework of teaching strategies to support trainees and teachers in primary settings in developing confidence in learning and teaching mathematics.

Becoming a teacher education researcher

Edited by Diane Mayer and Ian Menter

Stories of success from a range of contexts and settings that demonstrate how to develop as a successful teacher education researcher.

Understanding Feedback

A critical exploration for teacher educators

A critical exploration of assessment and feedback for teacher educators and all those involved in giving and receiving feedback within the education sector.

Using Digital Video in Initial Teacher Education

A research-based yet highly practical exploration of using digital video within both HEI- and school-based teacher education, suitable for primary and secondary programmes.

Social Work Law

Applying the Law in Practice

An easy to navigate introduction to the law relevant to social work and how it can be applied in practice. Contemporary, creative and student-focused, this is a must-have textbook for qualifying undergraduates, Social Work degree apprentices, and newly qualified social workers.

A Student's Guide to Placements in Health and Social Care Settings

From Theory to Practice

This is an accessible guide to placements provides a framework for students across the caring professions to understand the theory behind successful practice and the critical skills needed to apply it

Social Exclusion in the UK

The lived experience

Edited by Mel Hughes

This book places the expertise of people with lived experiences front and centre of the narrative on social exclusion, marginalisation and social stigma in the UK.

Nurturing Professional Judgement

By Ben Knight Edited by Ian Menter

A critical guide for teacher educators and early career mentors in supporting the development of professional judgement and intuitive practice. 

Relational Expertise of Teacher Educators

Theory and Practice

A clear, concise and critical account of the theory and practice of teacher educator expertise as both relational and second order, that is how to work with someone else so they are able to learn the how and why of teaching.  

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Coming Soon...
Showing 9-10 of 10 items.

Managing Stress

A theoretically informed practical guide to understanding and tackling stress, presented by a well-respected author who explains complex ideas clearly and accessibly without oversimplifying them.

TEACHER Coaching

The only book you need to understand the who, what, why and how of coaching in schools, with relevance for all teachers whatever their age phase or setting.

Showing 17-17 of 17 items.

Understanding Neuroplasticity and Neurodiversity in the Classroom

A Handbook for SENCos and Teachers

Edited by Anita Devi and Sue Jagger

A research-based text that explores how an understanding of the intersection of neurodiversity and neuroplasticity can inform teaching strategies for pupils with SEND.