How to Thrive in Professional Practice
A Self-care Handbook
Through a range of self-care activities, this book will help you to look after yourself so that you are fit to face the demands of your profession.
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You've Got This
A Student’s Guide to Well-being at University and Beyond
Student life can be overwhelming, and it is not surprising that you might struggle to cope sometimes. This book guides you through your student journey with simple and effective strategies to help you take ownership of your mental health and stay in control.
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Classroom Talk
Written for teachers, this concise guide takes an evidence-based approach to oracy / classroom talk with practical advice on how to engage with and evaluate the ideas explored.
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Going up if teaching gets you down
This could be just the LIFT you need in your teaching career! This practical, strategy-led book is suitable for trainees, teachers and school leaders, and can be used to promote both individual reflection or a wider staff discussion around the themes of resilience and well-being.
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Love in the Present Tense
A Bereaved Mum's Story
A mother shares insight on the positives and negatives of her young adult son’s unsuccessful cancer treatment with a view to contributing to improving services for the patient and the family.
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What's Your Problem?
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This book is an essential introduction and guide for a critical engagement with social problems. In short, What's your (social) problem and what are you going to do about it?
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Behaviour Management: Getting it Right in a Week
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British Values: Getting it Right in a Week
An easy and effective way for teachers to understand and embed British Values in their classrooms.
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Primary EAL Provision: Getting it Right in a Week
Proven strategies for getting to grips with EAL provision in primary schools and developing effective pedagogy for busy teachers.
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Written for teachers, this concise guide takes an evidence-based approach to Assessment, packed with practical advice on how to implement and evaluate various models.
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Assessment: Getting it Right in a Week
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Phonics: Getting it Right in a Week
Tried and tested ideas for understanding phonics and developing effective pedagogy for busy teachers
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