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Education Studies

Showing 1-6 of 6 items.

Academic Writing and Referencing for your Education Degree

Gives you with a sound knowledge and understanding of what constitutes good academic writing in education through a range of strategies for writing successful essays and reports. Emphasises the importance of clarity and coherence in your writing about education and advises how to improve your academic style, grammar and punctuation, and formatting and presentation.

Bias-aware Teaching, Learning and Assessment

With the spotlight on diversity and inclusion, this book offers university teachers informed and practical strategies for raising awareness of bias in teaching, learning and assessment practices and provides approaches to eliminate, limit and mitigate the negative effects of bias on university students.

Developing Your Professional Identity

A guide for working with children and families

Written by a multi-disciplinary team, this book provides students and practitioners with opportunities to reflect upon work-based placement challenges and solutions within a variety of settings, supporting employability and the development of a professional identity. It helps build essential skills and promotes a clear sense of self as individuals transition from student to professional.

Education: The Rock and Roll Years

A northern perspective on a lifetime of learning, teaching and leading

A very personal and funny retrospective from Les Walton on a life in education over the last three-quarters of a century. From learner, to teacher to leader and government adviser, he takes us on his journey, delivering key messages for all those involved in education.

Nurturing Professional Judgement

By Ben Knight Edited by Ian Menter

A critical guide for teacher educators and early career mentors in supporting the development of professional judgement and intuitive practice. 

Studying for your Education Degree

Provides you with a sound knowledge and understanding of what to expect, and what will be expected of you as a university student. Also covers teaching and assessment methods within education and hints on how to manage your education / teaching studies in an effective way and make the most of the resources available to you.