Critical Practice in Higher Education
This impactful series provides academics with a scholarly gateway into essential aspects of higher education practice. Perfect for those engaged in HE study, educational leadership roles, academic staff or anyone seeking to explore particular topics of interest.
Delve into each text as it explores individual topics in depth connecting research, teaching, community engagement and leadership while developing confidence and authority.
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Evidencing Teaching Achievements in Higher Education
Explores how to evidence teaching achievements, and the implications of this for the status of HE teaching, as well as individual careers, before suggesting practical and demonstrable ways forward for individuals and institutions.
Indicators of Teaching Excellence in Higher Education
A Critical Approach
Helps higher education leaders to work with existing national and institutional data to produce more nuanced and relational indicators of teaching excellence and convey understandings of teaching excellence that matter to them.
Universal Design for Learning
A Critical Approach
The what, why, and how of Universal Design for Learning in higher education post-2020.