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Teacher Educators

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Explore our concise, critical and well-researched material on current and key aspects of professional learning written specifically for teachers and teacher educators.  

Also discover our Critical Guides for Teacher Educator Series that connects current themes and developments in teacher education in the UK and beyond.  

Showing 1-12 of 38 items.

Understanding Feedback

A critical exploration for teacher educators

A critical exploration of assessment and feedback for teacher educators and all those involved in giving and receiving feedback within the education sector.

Post Compulsory Teacher Educators: Connecting Professionals

By Jim Crawley Series edited by Ian Menter

A call to action for post-compulsory teacher education professionals, both in the UK and internationally, to unite around key principles and practices. 

Primary EAL Provision: Getting it Right in a Week

By Kirsty Anderson Series edited by Susan Wallace

Proven strategies for getting to grips with EAL provision in primary schools and developing effective pedagogy for busy teachers. 

British Values: Getting it Right in a Week

An easy and effective way for teachers to understand and embed British Values in their classrooms.

Professional Dialogues in the Early Years

Rediscovering early years pedagogy and principles

This book provides early years teacher educators with critical guidance to explore the enduring philosophies and principles of early years’ pedagogy and to creatively interpret and communicate these to those they are training to be teachers and professionals.

Professional Learning Communities and Teacher Enquiry

Series edited by Val Poultney Edited by Alison Fox

Written for teachers, this concise guide takes an evidence-based approach to professional learning communities and teacher enquiry, with practical advice on how to engage with and evaluate various models.

Classroom Talk

Written for teachers, this concise guide takes an evidence-based approach to oracy / classroom talk with practical advice on how to engage with and evaluate the ideas explored.

A Concise Guide to Lecturing in Higher Education and the Academic Professional Apprenticeship

Ideal for lecturers new to delivering higher education, organised to cover the teaching and research requirements of the new Academic Professional Apprenticeship. 

Tackling Anxiety in Primary Mathematics Teachers

By Karen Wicks Edited by Ian Menter

Provides teacher educators with an understanding of the issues around mathematics anxiety and a framework of teaching strategies to support trainees and teachers in primary settings in developing confidence in learning and teaching mathematics.

Becoming a teacher education researcher

Edited by Diane Mayer and Ian Menter

Stories of success from a range of contexts and settings that demonstrate how to develop as a successful teacher education researcher.

Effective Mentoring in Initial Teacher Education

An evidence-informed guide to effective mentoring in initial teacher education.

Anti-racism in Education

Stories of Growing Activism

A powerful and challenging book comprising stories of anti-racist action by higher education scholars including researchers and teachers at various stages of their careers. Aimed at and relevant for anyone involved in education, it encourages reflection on the tolerance of racist structures and strategies to help enact positive change.

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Effective Mentoring in Initial Teacher Education

An evidence-informed guide to effective mentoring in initial teacher education.

Planning and facilitating group learning

This book makes the case that productive group work is complex and requires teacher expertise. It explores types of group and criteria for grouping pupils, examines the research, and offers guidance for teacher educators on developing relevant expertise in beginning teachers.