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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Social Work

SW for wedsite
How do you become an outstanding social worker?

Becoming an effective social worker involves developing an identity and an excellent understanding of both theory and practice. Our books discuss theory in context, include case studies and encourage discussion to help you achieve.

In this section, we have the books to make you an outstanding social work practitioner.

Showing 13-24 of 66 items.

Evidencing CPD

A Guide to Building your Social Work Portfolio

This book offers a simple, constructive and fully referenced guide to planning and reflecting on career development in social work, using a portfolio-based approach.

Positive Social Work

The Essential Toolkit for NQSWs

Positive Social Work will support and help you as a NQSW to understand your role within the context of a developing Social Work service. It will ensure that you are equipped with the knowledge and skills to do the job as best you can.

Critiquing Personality Disorder

A Social Perspective

Through its exploration of service user and MHSWs’ perspectives the book offers a social perspective on personality disorder and suggests ways of working to empower the person’s response to traumatic experience. 

The W Word

Witchcraft labelling and child safeguarding in social work practice

A useful resource for people seeking to understand witchcraft branding as a contemporary form of child abuse. 

Making sense of theory and its application to social work practice

How to understand social work theory and apply it to social work practice

Critical Psychiatry

A Biography

 A history of critical psychiatry that also acts as a call for a new approach to mental health services.


A Practical Approach to Risks and Strengths Assessment

A practical intervention framework and guide in Risks & Strengths Assessment in self-neglect for support staff who are working with adults who self-neglect or may be at risk of self-neglecting in the future.

Studying for your Social Work Degree

Essential reading for all those undertaking a social work degree within higher education, providing study support, skills and strategies to ensure success.

Working with Family Carers

By Valerie Gant Series edited by Steve J Hothersall

This book analyses informal caring across a variety of contexts, describing the nature of these relationships and the conditions under which they take place, and discusses the ways professionals can support and empower carers.

Academic Writing and Referencing for your Social Work Degree

An essential text for all those undertaking a social work degree within higher education, providing study support and skills development for academic writing and referencing.

Innovations in Practice Learning

Edited by Sue Taplin

As a practice educator, do you sometimes encounter difficulties in supporting individual students through placement? This book is a handy companion of innovative practice to help you through those times.

Critical Thinking Skills for your Social Work Degree

An essential text for all those undertaking a social work degree within higher education, providing study support and skills development for critical thinking, reading and writing.

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Showing 1-1 of 1 item.

Managing Stress

A theoretically informed practical guide to understanding and tackling stress, presented by a well-respected author who explains complex ideas clearly and accessibly without oversimplifying them.

Showing 1-4 of 4 items.

Becoming a Social Work Manager

For new or aspiring managers in social work and social care, examining the practical and emotional transitions involved in taking on a management role, how to look after yourself and others, and how to develop a strong professional identity.

Values, Ethics and Rights for Health and Social Care

Explains and promotes the fundamentals of values, ethics and rights for anyone involved in social work or health and social care. 

Effective Problem Solving

A bumper book of powerful problem-solving tools and techniques presented clearly and concisely by a highly respected author.

Safeguarding Children and Witchcraft Labelling in Social Work

An unique resource for all professionals who wish to understand witchcraft branding as a contemporary form of child abuse.