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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 241-252 of 274 items.

Reflective Primary Teaching

Meeting the Teachers’ Standards throughout your professional career

Fully revised and updated, this text helps trainees and teachers develop their effectiveness by reflecting on, analysing and improving their practice in the light of a deeper understanding of the professional Teachers' Standards. 

British Values: Getting it Right in a Week

An easy and effective way for teachers to understand and embed British Values in their classrooms.

Studying for your Social Work Degree

Essential reading for all those undertaking a social work degree within higher education, providing study support, skills and strategies to ensure success.

Academic Writing and Referencing for your Social Work Degree

An essential text for all those undertaking a social work degree within higher education, providing study support and skills development for academic writing and referencing.

Studying for your Education Degree

Provides you with a sound knowledge and understanding of what to expect, and what will be expected of you as a university student. Also covers teaching and assessment methods within education and hints on how to manage your education / teaching studies in an effective way and make the most of the resources available to you.

Academic Writing and Referencing for your Education Degree

Gives you with a sound knowledge and understanding of what constitutes good academic writing in education through a range of strategies for writing successful essays and reports. Emphasises the importance of clarity and coherence in your writing about education and advises how to improve your academic style, grammar and punctuation, and formatting and presentation.


A Practical Approach to Risks and Strengths Assessment

A practical intervention framework and guide in Risks & Strengths Assessment in self-neglect for support staff who are working with adults who self-neglect or may be at risk of self-neglecting in the future.

Innovations in Practice Learning

Edited by Sue Taplin

As a practice educator, do you sometimes encounter difficulties in supporting individual students through placement? This book is a handy companion of innovative practice to help you through those times.

Positive Mental Health: A Whole School Approach

Targeted strategies for developing a whole school approach to mental health provision, emphasising the importance of creating a whole school culture which promotes a positive attitude towards mental health. 

Corporate Emotional Intelligence

Being Human in a Corporate World

An original analysis of how human behaviour is conditioned within corporate cultures, and how managers come to adopt unconscious controlling habits that are counter-productive, inhibit growth, and create cultures of fear.

Supporting Behaviour by Building Resilience and Emotional Intelligence

A Guide for Classroom Teachers

For all trainees and teachers, this handy guide provides an understanding of and strategies for building resilience and emotional intelligence to improve classroom behaviour, promote stress-free teaching and so enhance learning.

Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Children 4-11 Years

Helps trainees and teachers to identify and support primary-aged children with mental health needs, providing a range of evidence-based tools. 

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 9-10 of 10 items.

The Role of the Education Adviser

An in-depth look at the key roles and responsibilities of the education adviser.

Managing Stress

A theoretically informed practical guide to understanding and tackling stress, presented by a well-respected author who explains complex ideas clearly and accessibly without oversimplifying them.

Showing 17-17 of 17 items.

Developing as a Reflective Early Years Professional

A Thematic Approach

 A critical and thematic approach to key issues for early years students and practitioners, with a focus throughout on reflective practice