Maris Stratulis
Maris Stratulis
I am a registered Social Worker and have a Master of Laws in Human Rights from The University of Nottingham. I have worked in a variety of strategic social work leadership roles, both in the UK and overseas, including working for Save the Children in Bosnia Herzegovina as a Child Protection Adviser and in other roles in Malaysia and Papua New Guinea. I have worked for The Refugee Council as the Manager for the Panel of Unaccompanied Refugee Children, Director for The British Red Cross Nottinghamshire and managed children in need, safeguarding and children in care services. As such, I have been instrumental in the development of strategic partnerships, integrated leadership, service planning, policy development and commissioning with a strong focus on co-production. I have also held a variety of children and adult services roles in Local Authorities in London and the East Midlands. My passion and interest in disaster work is based on personal experiences of the impact of such events, including the Hillsborough disaster, Kosovo refugee programme, co-ordination of emergency responses and working within the context of a post-war environment. As the National Director (England) for BASW, I am committed to working ‘with’ people with lived experiences and ensuring the legacy of those who have died and been directly affected by disaster are heard.
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