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We have a vast array of texts for Higher and Further education-related courses as well as teacher educators, from early years to secondary. 

Showing 1-12 of 80 items.

Learning to be a Primary Teacher

Core Knowledge and Understanding

This fully revised essential guide gives all primary trainees and early career teachers the key knowledge, understanding and skills they need to succeed. 

Developing as a Reflective Early Years Professional

A Thematic Approach

 A critical and thematic approach to key issues for early years students and practitioners, with a focus throughout on reflective practice

A Complete Guide to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

A new and updated fourth edition of this essential text for the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training that takes into account the refreshed ETF standards and the changing direction of teaching and learning.

Effective Personal Tutoring in Higher Education

An essential text for all academics within higher education (HE) who have a personal tutoring role.

Strength-based Practice with Children and Families

Focuses on using a strength-based approach when working with children and families; based on the belief that there are always strengths in the most challenging of situations.

Children Forsaken

Child Abuse from Ancient to Modern Times

A shocking reminder of the cruel history of childhood that has been largely hidden and forgotten.

Equitable Education

What everyone working in education should know about closing the attainment gap for all pupils

An essential guide for trainees and teachers providing an in-depth understanding of the complex issues related to the attainment of key groups of disadvantaged pupils, and practical strategies for addressing these gaps.


Teaching and Learning in International Schools

Lessons from Primary Practice

Covers the full range of topics and teaching strategies to support all practitioners in an international school context.

An Ambitious Secondary School Curriculum

Comprehensive guidance to support those involved in secondary education in developing the curriculum to meet the requirements of the new Ofsted (2019) framework. 

Education: The Rock and Roll Years

A northern perspective on a lifetime of learning, teaching and leading

A very personal and funny retrospective from Les Walton on a life in education over the last three-quarters of a century. From learner, to teacher to leader and government adviser, he takes us on his journey, delivering key messages for all those involved in education.

Coaching in the Classroom

Bringing out the best in learners

A thought-provoking and engaging guide to coaching in an educational setting, demonstrating how to coach young people in the classroom and how to embed a coaching culture in schools.

Inclusive Primary Teaching

A critical approach to equality and special educational needs and disability

A fully updated equality- and child-centred approach to inclusive teaching, essential for all primary trainees.

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 1-4 of 7 items.

Coaching in the Classroom

Bringing out the best in learners

A thought-provoking and engaging guide to coaching in an educational setting, demonstrating how to coach young people in the classroom and how to embed a coaching culture in schools.

A Complete Guide to the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training

A fully revised and updated fourth edition of the Complete Guide to the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training, suitable for use with any awarding organisation.

Thinking for Primary Writing

Improving Children’s Writing Through Creative Thinking

This book provides a framework for teachers to develop, through their planning, a cognitive pedagogy of writing that develops writing quality and achievement.

The Best Outcomes for Young People

Lessons from a PRU Headteacher

Practical ways for Pupil Referral Units, APs and mainstream schools to work in partnership to secure the best outcomes for students. 

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Developing as a Reflective Early Years Professional

A Thematic Approach

 A critical and thematic approach to key issues for early years students and practitioners, with a focus throughout on reflective practice

Effective Mentoring in Initial Teacher Education

An evidence-informed guide to effective mentoring in initial teacher education.

A Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being

Targeted strategies for developing a whole school approach to mental health provision, emphasising the importance of creating a whole school culture which promotes a positive attitude towards mental health. Now completely revised to be relevant for a post-pandemic world.