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Developing as a Reflective Early Years Professional
A Thematic Approach
A critical and thematic approach to key issues for early years students and practitioners, with a focus throughout on reflective practice
Indicators of Teaching Excellence in Higher Education
A Critical Approach
Helps higher education leaders to work with existing national and institutional data to produce more nuanced and relational indicators of teaching excellence and convey understandings of teaching excellence that matter to them.
Safeguarding Children and Witchcraft Labelling in Social Work
An unique resource for all professionals who wish to understand witchcraft branding as a contemporary form of child abuse.
Universal Design for Learning
A Critical Approach
The what, why, and how of Universal Design for Learning in higher education post-2020.
Planning and facilitating group learning
This book makes the case that productive group work is complex and requires teacher expertise. It explores types of group and criteria for grouping pupils, examines the research, and offers guidance for teacher educators on developing relevant expertise in beginning teachers.