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Management from A to Z and back again
52 Ideas, tools and models for managing people
If you want to develop your ability to manage yourself and the people who work for you, this engaging guide is just what you need.
Coaching in the Classroom
Bringing out the best in learners
A thought-provoking and engaging guide to coaching in an educational setting, demonstrating how to coach young people in the classroom and how to embed a coaching culture in schools.
Leadership Behaviours for Effective Policing
The Service Speaks
A handbook of policing leadership behavioural skills to inform and improve police knowledge, understanding and effective practice.
Developing as a Reflective Early Years Professional
A Thematic Approach
A critical and thematic approach to key issues for early years students and practitioners, with a focus throughout on reflective practice
A Guide to the Diploma in Teaching and Related Qualifications
Level 5 and beyond
A one-stop shop for successfully achieving the new Diploma in Teaching and related qualifications.
University and You
Strengthening your skills and developing your potential
A complete guide to developing the skills, behaviours, and mindset necessary for success at university and beyond.
Advising on School Improvement
Theoretical and practical exemplification of the education adviser's skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to school improvement.
Universal Design for Learning
A Critical Approach
The what, why, and how of Universal Design for Learning in higher education post-2020.