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Helping you to thrive and succeed in your chosen profession 

Showing 13-24 of 281 items.

And the Leader is.....

Transforming Cultures with CEQ

The definitive guide to how to lead effectively with heightened Corporate Emotional Intelligence (CEQ)

Active Social Work with Children with Disabilities

A comprehensive social worker's guide to working with children with disabilities.

Effective Personal Tutoring in Higher Education

An essential text for all academics within higher education (HE) who have a personal tutoring role.

Leadership Behaviours for Effective Policing

The Service Speaks

A handbook of policing leadership behavioural skills to inform and improve police knowledge, understanding and effective practice.

Primary Subject Knowledge and the Core Curriculum

Compiled by NASBTT

A bespoke ebook compilation focused on primary subject knowledge and in particular the core curriculum areas of English and mathematics.

Evidencing CPD

A Guide to Building your Social Work Portfolio

This book offers a simple, constructive and fully referenced guide to planning and reflecting on career development in social work, using a portfolio-based approach.

Inclusive Primary Teaching

A critical approach to equality and special educational needs and disability

A fully updated equality- and child-centred approach to inclusive teaching, essential for all primary trainees.

Positive Social Work

The Essential Toolkit for NQSWs

Positive Social Work will support and help you as a NQSW to understand your role within the context of a developing Social Work service. It will ensure that you are equipped with the knowledge and skills to do the job as best you can.

Becoming an Outstanding Personal Tutor

Supporting Learners through Personal Tutoring and Coaching

An essential text for pre-service and in-service trainees and existing practitioners in further education focusing on delivering outstanding personal tutoring and coaching.

Beyond Early Writing

Teaching Writing in Primary Schools

This essential text for primary trainees and teachers examines the key skill of writing beyond the earliest school years, including issues of children’s writing attainment, boys’ relative lack of success and teachers’ lack of confidence in modelling writing.


Language, Literacy and Communication in the Early Years:

A critical foundation

An essential text for students and practitioners on the development and acquisition of language and literacy in the early years. 

Relationship-based Social Work with Adults

A guide to relationship-based practice for social work with adults

New Titles...
Coming Soon...
Showing 5-8 of 12 items.

Coaching in the Classroom

Bringing out the best in learners

A thought-provoking and engaging guide to coaching in an educational setting, demonstrating how to coach young people in the classroom and how to embed a coaching culture in schools.

Learning and Teaching Practical Skills

As seen on TV

This innovative book uses examples from popular TV shows to help teachers support the development of students' practical skills. 

Effective Mentoring in Initial Teacher Education

An evidence-informed guide to effective mentoring in initial teacher education.

The Best Outcomes for Young People

Lessons from a PRU Headteacher

Practical ways for Pupil Referral Units, APs and mainstream schools to work in partnership to secure the best outcomes for students. 

Showing 5-8 of 20 items.

Universal Design for Learning

A Critical Approach

Edited by Nicola Martin, Mike Wray and Joanna Krupa Series edited by Joy Jarvis and Karen Mpamhanga

The what, why, and how of Universal Design for Learning in higher education post-2020.

Indicators of Teaching Excellence in Higher Education

A Critical Approach

Helps higher education leaders to work with existing national and institutional data to produce more nuanced and relational indicators of teaching excellence and convey understandings of teaching excellence that matter to them.

Values, Ethics and Rights for Health and Social Care

Explains and promotes the fundamentals of values, ethics and rights for anyone involved in social work or health and social care. 

Safeguarding Children and Witchcraft Labelling in Social Work

An unique resource for all professionals who wish to understand witchcraft branding as a contemporary form of child abuse.