Starting Social Work
Reflections of a Newly Qualified Social Worker
A Newly Qualified Social Worker’s experience, reflections and gentle advice on the training process and early years of a Social Work career.
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Teaching and Supporting Adult Learners
This publication enables those teaching adult learners to gain an understanding of the difficulties that students may experience while developing their own professional practice in order to create effective, focused and inclusive teaching strategies for this group.
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Global Childhoods
Suitable for students on all early years courses that include a module on global childhoods, this text examines how culture and society shape childhoods through considering the lived experiences of children internationally.
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Reflective Teaching and Learning in Further Education
This book looks at critical reflection as a key skill for all trainees and teachers in further education (FE) and an important part of the new Professional Standards.
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Key Concepts in Primary Science
Audit and Subject Knowledge
Essential reading for all primary science trainee and beginning teachers who want to strengthen their science subject knowledge.
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Observing Children and Families
Beyond the Surface
This book explains the unique insights that child observation can bring to practice with children and families and helps the reader develop their own skills in this approach.
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Surviving and Thriving as a Primary NQT
Essential reading for your year as a primary newly qualified teacher (NQT), providing support through advice, reassurance and practical strategies, and encouraging you to critically reflect on your experiences to get the most from your induction period.
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Embedding English and Maths
Practical Strategies for FE and Post-16 Tutors
Practical strategies for post-16 tutors to embed and develop English and maths skills in their teaching while engaging and motivating learners.
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Critical Psychiatry
A Biography
A history of critical psychiatry that also acts as a call for a new approach to mental health services.
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Learning Technology
A Handbook for FE Teachers and Assessors
Written specifically for all FE and post-16 teachers, this book will help you to develop your digital capabilities and give you the skills to convert traditional learning and teaching resources into engaging and interactive online material.
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Future-proof Your School
Steering culture, driving school improvement, developing excellence
Wouldn’t it be great if you could equip your school and yourself to face whatever the future might throw at you! Wherever you are in your teaching career, this book provides an effective approach to change management that is simple and sustainable.
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A Quick Guide to Meeting the Teachers' Standards Part 1
A quick and handy guide to evidencing and meeting Part 1 of the Teachers’ Standards for trainee teachers.
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