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Search results for "stork"

Showing 1-4 of 4 items.

Effective Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising in Higher Education

A comprehensive text for all academics within higher education (HE) who have a personal tutoring role.

The Higher Education Personal Tutor’s and Advisor’s Companion

Translating Theory into Practice to Improve Student Success

Stories of practice, with critical insights, from a range of higher education practitioners and settings providing professional learning and development for personal tutors and academic advisors.

Effective Personal Tutoring in Higher Education

An essential text for all academics within higher education (HE) who have a personal tutoring role.

Becoming an Outstanding Personal Tutor

Supporting Learners through Personal Tutoring and Coaching

An essential text for pre-service and in-service trainees and existing practitioners in further education focusing on delivering outstanding personal tutoring and coaching.