How do you become an outstanding primary teacher?
If you’re a trainee, teacher and teacher educator who wants to further their understanding, develop their teacher identity and know how to apply this to practice, our wide range of books have the tools you need. Our books contain an abundance of theory, research backed with case studies and discussion points so you can achieve exceptional results.
Relationships Education for Primary Schools (2020)
A Practical Toolkit for Teachers
Enables and supports teachers to deliver the content of the new statutory guidance for relationships education in primary schools, operational from 2020.
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Shifting Sands
Contemporary issues in primary schools
A practical guide to a range of key contemporary issues in primary schools, with summaries of legislation and policy, and workable strategies to embed them in the classroom.
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Social Media and Mental Health in Schools
Supports both primary and secondary trainees and teachers with understanding the links between social media use and children and young people’s mental health.
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Staying Mentally Healthy During Your Teaching Career
Comprehensive guidance and workable, evidence-informed strategies to support the mental well-being of all those teaching in schools and colleges.
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Strength-based Practice with Children and Families
Focuses on using a strength-based approach when working with children and families; based on the belief that there are always strengths in the most challenging of situations.
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Success! Passing the Numeracy Skills Test for Teachers
A fully up-to-date guide to the Numeracy Skills Test for Teachers, providing support and guidance plus hundreds of sample questions and full practice papers to ensure success.
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Supporting Behaviour by Building Resilience and Emotional Intelligence
A Guide for Classroom Teachers
For all trainees and teachers, this handy guide provides an understanding of and strategies for building resilience and emotional intelligence to improve classroom behaviour, promote stress-free teaching and so enhance learning.
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Supporting Primary Teaching and Learning
A key text for all those studying on Foundation Degrees in supporting primary and early years teaching and learning, and particularly those working at levels 4 and 5
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Surviving and Thriving as a Primary NQT
Essential reading for your year as a primary newly qualified teacher (NQT), providing support through advice, reassurance and practical strategies, and encouraging you to critically reflect on your experiences to get the most from your induction period.
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Teaching and Learning Early Years Mathematics
Subject and Pedagogic Knowledge
Essential reading for all those teaching or training to teach Early Years mathematics, providing comprehensive subject and pedagogic knowledge for those responsible for the youngest children in school and their vital first experiences of learning mathematics.
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Teaching and Learning in International Schools
Lessons from Primary Practice
Covers the full range of topics and teaching strategies to support all practitioners in an international school context.
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Teaching Systematic Synthetic Phonics and Early English
This is an essential guide to teaching primary English, with a focus on systematic synthetic phonics. The new edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the structure, content and requirements of the national curriculum, and to include the latest policy context.
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The Best Outcomes for Young People
Lessons from a PRU Headteacher
Practical ways for Pupil Referral Units, APs and mainstream schools to work in partnership to secure the best outcomes for students.
Creating a Trauma-informed Classroom
Shows teachers how to build trust and improve learning outcomes for those children and young people affected by trauma.
A Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being
Targeted strategies for developing a whole school approach to mental health provision, emphasising the importance of creating a whole school culture which promotes a positive attitude towards mental health. Now completely revised to be relevant for a post-pandemic world.
Climate Education and Sustainability in the Primary Classroom
Our World Their Future
An engaging guide for primary school teachers to empower them to integrate climate change and sustainability in their teaching.
Understanding Neuroplasticity and Neurodiversity in the Classroom
A Handbook for SENCos and Teachers
A research-based text that explores how an understanding of the intersection of neurodiversity and neuroplasticity can inform teaching strategies for pupils with SEND.